And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth Luke 1:17
Welcome to the
Ottawa First United Methodist Church
Ottawa, Kansas
Our Vision:
Meeting People,
Meeting Needs,
Meeting Christ
Rev Anne Gahn, Pastor
Sunday Services |
Adult Sunday School |
9:15 am |
Children's Sunday School |
9:00 am |
Inspirational Worship |
10:30 am |
Men's Group Sunday |
7:00 pm |
Needles & Threads, Thurs. |
10am- Noon |
Be sure to check out
the activities on our
Calendar link above,
Come Home for Christmas!
A Combined Service of
Ottawa First & Ottawa Trinity
United Methodist Churches
Candlelight Worship
Christmas Eve 7:00 pm.
the Sanctuary at 203 E 4th St
Everyone is welcome,
so bring your friends and family.
A Combined Service of
Carols, Communion, Candlelight and Cocoa
See you in Church!
Sunday at 11:00 am on
KOFO Radio 1220 AM and 103.7 FM. Both the current and archived services are available:
Our Mission: Building Relationships Through Example So That Others May See Christ |
203 East 4th Street |
Office Hours |
Ottawa, KS 66067 |
web: |
Monday - Thursday |
(785) 242 1419 |
email: |
9:00 am - 2:00 pm |